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Jan 8, 2019
Goal Digger. Girl Gang Leader. Boss Babe. Meet CEO and Curator of the international brand, Caribbean Women's Expo, Nicholl Hunte!
Okay so I feel ridiculous even asking this question because clearly I and anyone who's ever met you knows what island you rep, but for the new people: where are you from?
B A R B A D O S !!! I came to the United States at 15 years old, but I am still as Bajan as they come (yes, yes she is!)
*shameless plug: join Nicholl and our I Love Being Caribbean travel crew in Barbados for our Global Getaway April 2022!
Tell us more about the Expo, what's your vision and who do you serve?
The Expo highlights businesses and career paths. We're looking for people who can inspire the younger generation. It's important that others can see people that look like them succeeding. In regards to the businesses, we want our Caribbean dollars to be circulated in the business community, not just parties.
Speaking as a woman juggling being a career professional and small business owner, this concept is so necessary. The struggle often feels lonely. Is The Expo only for Caribbean women and as the name suggests, is it for women only?
Our main focus is Caribbean women and women of color. Men from the Caribbean are also allowed to participate.
I love the inclusiveness! Speaking of inclusion, the pandemic allowed you to really take The Expo to another level of expansion. You went from being physically based in Houston to International in the matter of months.
Yes, being virtual has allowed us to have vendors and attendees from all over. I may reside in Texas, but the reach is definitely global. At the last expo, there were vendors representing 4 different continents!
I remember being in that Zoom just in AWE of the international melanin excellence of that virtual experience. It was magical! When did you dream up Caribbean Women's Expo?
I started to conceptualize in the fall of the 2018 and 2019 was the year the Expo was envisioned and launched.
Congratulations on pursuing your dream! I know how difficult this can be, especially amid a global pandemic. What keeps you motivated to keep going?
My purpose keeps me going. I wanted to create a different type of connection in the Caribbean community. We're good for more than just costumes, parties and a good time (even though I like to do that too). We make contributions to our countries and we're just as competent and able as anybody else.
Everything about my life is a testament of God’s grace and mercy. All I wanted to do as a little girl was to be an accountant and drive a Mustang. Imagine that?! CWE is a great place to network and meet some innovative entrepreneurs.
Amen! Where do you see the Expo 5 years from now?
Thriving. Helping other businesses on a larger scale. Hosting the Expo in different countries. Living the good life with somebody fine son.
Oh yes! Somebody son better come ready! Do you see the Expo in other states here in the U.S.? Where to next?
Expanding events to Dallas, or other parts of Texas. I would like to host in different states and eventually in the islands.
That's awesome! I love the idea of an Expo in the islands, I Love Being Caribbean will have to schedule a getaway weekend around that Expo...it will be the best of both worlds. What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs?
Don’t be afraid. Ask for help. Do your research to see what resources are available.
Speaking of resources, doesn't the Caribbean Women's Expo have an event coming up?
Yes! We're hosting our first International Women's Luncheon - April 24. We're talking mindset, marketing, health, parenting + more. Attendees can join in person or virtually.
I already have my ticket! Alright, last question: Why do you Love Being Caribbean?
I get a different understanding about the world. I apply the values that I learned growing up in Barbados to how I relate to people in life.
Whether you're a woman, man, business owner, career professional or a creative, there's a place for you to engage with the Expo! Follow Nicholl and the Expo on Facebook and Instagram @caribbeanwomensexpo.
Email houstoncaribbeanwomensexpo@gmail.com or Call (281)832-7680
Trust us, you do NOT want to miss a CWE event. Follow Caribbean Women's Expo on Eventbrite!
JOIN THE MOVEMENT! We use our I Love Being Caribbean platform and network to support and promote our business partners, and our members receive discounts and special incentives from businesses within our network. Our business model is built on cooperative economics and shared humanity. Learn more: https://www.ilovebeingcaribbean.com/business-community