Jul 24, 2021

Dec 31, 2020

Nov 17, 2020

Jun 10, 2020

Feb 18, 2020

Dec 15, 2019

May 8, 2019

Apr 18, 2019

Feb 2, 2019

Jan 8, 2019
A year ago this month, we were in Jamaica. Meeting with hotels, checking out “off the beaten path” experiences, solidifying airport transportation. Making plans for our much anticipated 2020 Global Getaway and Jamaica Carnival. Not to mention eating fresh ackee & saltfish, callalloo and our weight in breadfruit.
So much can happen in one year.
Who knew that just a few months later, the world would be on lock-down and our lives forever changed… Jobs lost, schools cancelled, loved ones taken too soon and all of us quickly rethinking and figuring out life.
If you’re reading this, you’re still here! We're still here.
Despite an uncertain, tumultuous and often heavy 2020, we’ve made it to October and there is purpose in that. When we’re conscious and pay attention, life becomes more than just a series of days and months, it becomes a journey filled with interconnected learnings and experiences.
I don't know about you, but I feel incredibly grateful and honored that I get to live a life of purpose. And I feel even more honored that I get to enjoy it with our I Love Being Caribbean movement as we’ve grown from strangers to community and customers to family.
We Are One.
We're a community of people from diverse backgrounds and life experiences. We have different perspectives, preferences and living situations, but we have one thing in common: We Love Being Caribbean.
We all have goals. We all want to take care of ourselves and our loved ones and live better today than we did yesterday. And no matter where life takes us, it's our love that unifies us. It's our love of people that inspired us to launch membership with I Love Being Caribbean.
If you Love Being Caribbean, but haven't joined our community we invite you to join us today!
Click now to officially join as a member: www.ilovebeingcaribbean.com/membership for only $9.95 month + a one-time $50 join fee (which includes a complimentary iLBC original tank or tee of your choice and an offiical iLBC Black Card!).
Sherry B.